Upper Burhner Multipurpose Project (Irrigation cum Hydel Project – 40,000 ha CCA)- Piped Irrigation Project (Project Cost : INR 5801.3 Million)
Funding Agency: NVDA
Location: Madhya Pradesh
Upper Burhner project is one of the main projects on Narmda Basin in MP state as per the master plan of the Narmada River, the Upper Burhner Project is planned on River Burhner, a tributary of Narmada, and project aims at irrigating more than 18000 Ha of irrigation through lift irrigation. Project is proposed to harness water of Budhner river before it joins Halon River in downstream.
Actual Services provided by the Firm
1. Collection of data available with department. Collection of additional data/information from different Departments / Agencies required for preparation of Techno economic feasibility report. 2. Obtaining site clearance from appropriate authority for survey and investigation 3. Review of Survey and Investigation data available with the department. 4. Identification of additional preliminary surveys, Geo technical and Geological investigations necessary to establish Techno economic feasibility of Project. 5. Conducting preliminary Surveys, Geological and Geotechnical investigations necessary to establish Techno economic feasibility of Project. 6. Providing information / additional data required if any for approval of Techno economic feasibility report from competent authority. Identification of detailed Surveys, Geological and Geo-technical investigations required for preparation of Detailed Project Report. 7. To carryout detailed Surveys- 40000 Ha Area, Geological and Geotechnical investigations required for preparation of DPR. 8. Project planning, designing, preparation of drawings, estimates etc. for different components of project and construction planning for preparation of DPR. 9. Preparation and submission of draft DPR to Engineer-in-charge in 5 copies for approval from competent authority. 10. Providing information / additional data required if any for approval of DPR from competent authority. 11. On approval, submission of final Detailed Project Report in 50 copies. 12. Obtaining clearance from different directorates of central electricity authority and CWC like Directorates of Hydrology, Irrigation Planning, Gate designs, Embankment designs, Canal designs, Concrete and Masonry dam designs, Construction Machinery consultancy, Foundation Engineering and special analysis, Cost appraisal, Interstate matters etc. including providing any additional data / information required for clearance from respective directorates. 13. Collection of Data/Information from different Departments/Agencies for Preparation of ‘Rehabilitation and Resettlement plans’, ‘Catchment Area Treatment Plan’, Command Area Development plan’, Report on ‘Base line conditions’, ‘Environment Impact Assessment Plan’, ‘Environment Management Plan’, ‘Health Action plan’ etc. and preparing above plans required for obtaining approval form different Ministries of GOI / GOMP. 14. Obtaining approvals from different Ministries of GOI / GOMP like MOEF, Ministry of Tribal Affairs etc. including providing any additional information / data required for approval from respective Ministry of GOI / GOMP. 15. Obtaining Investment Clearance from Planning Commission GOI/GOMP including providing any additional information / data required for investment clearance from Planning Commission/State Planning Board